Our Stories…

About Emma

As a music college flute student in my 20s I had developed IBS.  This would sometimes hinder my ability to perform in concerts on the flute. However, I struggled on believing that my IBS symptoms were not a serious concern even though they did hamper my quality of life.

In my early 30s I had developed poor control of my balance, impaired vision and was diagnosed with Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. There were no drugs or treatments for this condition, so I was offered a yearly follow-up appointment to measure the progress of the disease.  As a result, I knew that it was time to understand how I could take control of my own health.  I had always had a keen interest and love of food but realised that food in its original natural form was becoming a thing of the past, being replaced by easily accessible instant food that was more convenient for our fast-paced lives, whilst sometimes being detrimental to our health.

My interest in nutrition and a determination to improve my health led me to enrol on a nutritional therapy course with The College of Naturopathic Medicine.  This course was a fantastic way to learn how to understand and improve nutritional and lifestyle wellbeing to live a more healthy and fulfilling life. With this knowledge I am passionate about helping others live lives to the full.

About Michael

With a scientific and engineering background I was initially quite sceptical about Reiki (this is a bit of an understatement). But then one day when I was suffering quite badly from symptoms of hayfever, a dear friend, a scientist, asked if I had considered having Reiki to help. He arranged a session for me, and although I was still sceptical during the session, I remembered experiencing a deeply relaxed state and found my symptoms lessoned for several days afterwards. I was still not convinced though.

Several years later my grandmother was terminally ill with cancer and was suffering with considerable discomfort in her arm from lymphedema. I would visit regularly and one day out of the blue she asked if I could place my hands on her shoulder and arm as she was certain I had ‘healing hands’. Afterwards she said it had helped her and lessened her discomfort for days afterwards. This became a regular thing, and although I was still not convinced, as my grandmother clearly was feeling some benefit I gladly continued until the end. (Please note the Reiki energy is channelled through me and does not come from me!)

Then in 2014 I stumbled across an advert for an introduction to Reiki that was being run by a local Reiki Master, Vicky Carter. I attended, with the intention of finally finding out a bit more …. I was still sceptical and stated this to the group when we met. Vicky smiled.

That’s when things got a bit weird. Over the next couple of days, I found myself become more open, more connected and experienced more of the deeply relaxed state I had experienced so many years previously. Through the series of Reiki Attunements I felt my connection deepen. I attended regular Reiki shares and three years later in November 2017, I completed my second-degree to become a Reiki practitioner. I am now convinced that Reiki is a valid beneficial practice, it is recognised by the NHS as being supportive to a patient’s recovery.

I am now a passionate advocate for the benefits that Reiki can bring.

Book a free 20 minute discovery call.